Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: Tibetan Sound Healing

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: Tibetan Sound Healing
«It is my sincere desire that this simple and elegant practice of the Five Warrior Syllables, which is based on the highest teachings of the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition of which I am a lineage holder, will benefit many beings in the West. Please receive it with my blessing, and bring it into your life. Let it support you to become kind and strong and clear and awake.» Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
One of the world's oldest unbroken spiritual traditions is the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. This wisdom path has survived, thanks to the efforts of a handful of dedicated lamas such as Bön lineage holder Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Now, with Tibetan Sound Healing, you can connect to the ancient sacred sounds of the Bön practice-and through them, activate the healing potential of your natural mind.
The Bön healing tradition invokes the Five Warrior Syllables-"seed" sounds that bring us to the essential nature of mind and release the boundless creativity and positive qualities that are fundamental to it. Through the medicine of sound, you can clear obstacles in your body, your energy and emotions, and the subtle sacred dimensions of your being. In this integrated program, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gives you the tools to access wisdom and compassion and use the vibration of sacred sound to cultivate the healing power within your body's subtle channels.
The spiritual heritage of the Bön is rich with methods to guide all beings on the path to liberation. With Tibetan Sound Healing, you are invited to learn from a master of this ancient lineage-and discover the power of sacred sound to purify your body, connect with your inherent perfection and completeness, and awaken spiritual virtue.
One of the world's oldest unbroken spiritual traditions is the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. This wisdom path has survived, thanks to the efforts of a handful of dedicated lamas such as Bön lineage holder Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Now, with Tibetan Sound Healing, you can connect to the ancient sacred sounds of the Bön practice-and through them, activate the healing potential of your natural mind.
The Bön healing tradition invokes the Five Warrior Syllables-"seed" sounds that bring us to the essential nature of mind and release the boundless creativity and positive qualities that are fundamental to it. Through the medicine of sound, you can clear obstacles in your body, your energy and emotions, and the subtle sacred dimensions of your being. In this integrated program, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gives you the tools to access wisdom and compassion and use the vibration of sacred sound to cultivate the healing power within your body's subtle channels.
The spiritual heritage of the Bön is rich with methods to guide all beings on the path to liberation. With Tibetan Sound Healing, you are invited to learn from a master of this ancient lineage-and discover the power of sacred sound to purify your body, connect with your inherent perfection and completeness, and awaken spiritual virtue.
Armbänder, -spangen, -reifen, -ketten
Alter | Handgelenkumfang |
Neugeborenes |
9 - 12 cm |
6 Monate – 3 Jahre |
12 - 14 cm |
4 - 10 Jahre |
14 - 15 cm |
Teenager, Damen (XS) |
15 - 16 cm |
Damen (M) |
16 - 17 cm |
Damen (XL) |
18 - 19 cm |
Herren (M) |
18 - 20 cm |
Herren (XL) |
21 - 22 cm |
Kurze Anleitung zum Messen der Handgelenkgrösse:
Wickle ein Massband oder eine Schnur locker um das Handgelenk, an der Stelle, an der das Armband sitzen soll. Achte darauf, dass es eng anliegt, aber nicht einschneidet. Lies den Umfang direkt vom Massband ab oder miss die Länge der Schnur mit einem Lineal.
Die Länge des Armbandes darf je nach Geschmack 1 cm bis 3 cm länger sein als der gemessene Handgelenkumfang.
Die Länge des Armbandes darf je nach Geschmack 1 cm bis 3 cm länger sein als der gemessene Handgelenkumfang.
Ringgrösse | Innendurchmesser | Innenumfang |
48 |
15,3 mm |
48 mm |
50 |
15,9 mm |
50 mm |
52 |
16,6 mm |
52 mm |
54 |
17,2 mm |
54 mm |
56 |
17,8 mm |
56 mm |
58 |
18,5 mm |
58 mm |
60 |
19,1 mm |
60 mm |
62 |
19,7 mm |
62 mm |
64 |
20,4 mm |
64 mm |
66 |
21,0 mm |
66 mm |
Kurze Anleitung zum Messen der Ringgrösse:
Methode 1: Innendurchmesser eines passenden Rings messen
- Nimm einen Ring, der gut passt.
- Lege ihn auf ein Lineal und miss den Innendurchmesser (von einer Innenkante zur anderen).
- Vergleiche den Durchmesser mit der Tabelle, um die Ringgröße zu ermitteln.
Methode 2: Fingerumfang messen
- Nimm einen dünnen Streifen Papier oder einen Faden.
- Wickle ihn um die Stelle des Fingers, an der der Ring sitzen soll (nicht zu eng).
- Markiere die Stelle, an der sich die Enden treffen.
- Messe die Länge des Streifens in Millimetern. Das ist der Innenumfang.
- Finde die passende Grösse in der Tabelle.
- Miss die Fingergrösse am Abend, da Finger im Laufe des Tages leicht anschwellen.
- Wenn du zwischen zwei Grössen liegst, wähle die größere Grösse.
- Achte darauf, dass der Ring über den Knöchel passt.
Normaler PreisCHF 23.00
CHF 23.00
- Gratis-Versand ab CHF 150